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Hey yawl, Junie B here bringing you a brand new series about getting those tails on trails at your favorite Virginia State Barks called "Waggin' Trails." 

Hey Y'all, Junie B here and I plan to interview the cool dawgs of Virginia State Parks in my new series Wagging Trails


Dawgs, as you know I have been faithful in taking my family to Virginia State Barks for the last 10 years, if I didn't get them outside to a Virginia State Bark they may have gone crazy, my two big sisters especially, since they were tweenagers. Some of my favorite highlights from our walkies and visits to state parks have been:

  • Hiking Molly's Knob at Hungry Mother State Bark
  • Waking up to the smell of Mum cooking bacon in our cabin
  • Canoodling with other dawgs I meet (this applies to every state park as there are always cool dawgs at state barks)
  • Standing by while Mum finishes frying bacon - patience young grasshopper
  • Keeping an eye out for bears when I hiked with Mum to the Tye River Overlook at James River State Bark
  • Waiting by while the family sits outside at the picnic table and eats their bacon 
  • Navigating the big waters while Dad paddles the kayak at Douthat State Bark
  • Looking as cute as possible, head tilted, eyes big and bright while I beg for bacon 
  • Just chillin' out on the porch with the family 
  • Wondering when the next time Mum is cookin' bacon, which should be tomorrow
  • Chasing rabbits and deer (although I can never catch one having to take care of my sister on the other end of the leash at all times)
  • Thinking about bacon and wondering if the family is also thinking about bacon 
  • Waiting for Dad to drop a piece of steak or burger off the grill (one of my all time favorite things besides bacon)
  • Bacon Bacon Bacon!

If you're anything like me dawgs, you wait patiently every day to take your family walkies, but sometimes a dawg has gotta do what a dawg has gotta do and get the family away from all the distractions.

Here I am playing beating my sister at Scrabble at Westmoreland State Park

My sister doesn't like it when I beat her at Scrabble

Discovering Virginia State Parks was the best thing I ever did! This was at James River State Park

Discovering Virginia State Barks was the best thing I ever did

If I didn't get them out for the First Day Hike at Virginia State Parks they would never get outside! This was at Smith Mountain Lake State Park

If I didn't get them out for the First Day Hike they would never get outside

Canoodling with other cool dawgs I meet at Virginia State Parks

Canoodling with other cool dawgs I meet at Virginia State Barks

Having coffee with Dad on the porch at Cabin 8 at Douthat State Park

Having coffee with Dad on the porch at Cabin 8 at Douthat State Bark 



I remember my first Virginia State Bark, the exciting little Bear Creek Lake State Bark where my family had funzies. After seeing that lucky dawg Yoda Heltman stay at a bark cabin with his folks, I decided I should take my family to one too. So this is what got the ball rolling and from that time on we go to every Virginia State Bark every chance we can.


In my new blog series called "Waggin' Trails" I plan to showcase some cool Virginia State Bark dawgs, you know who you are, the ones who love the trails, the ones who love gallivanting all over the park with your Mum or Dad on a lead. This series will be all about and for you cool dawgs. Sure you can share it with your family and encourage them to get outside too, since they drive the cars and can take you to the barks.


If you are a cool dawg with a story from your visit to a Virginia State Bark, I wanna talk to you! If you want to be featured in my new blog series "Waggin' Trails" send me an email here with your name, a photo of you at a Virginia State Bark and some info on your favorite trails. If you have a fun story to go with it, then that is even better. (This series has ended, thank you for following Junie B. We would love to see your photos shared on our Facebook page here.)


Virginia State Barks does not discriminate, so if you ain't nothin' but a hound dawg cryin' all the time, or a poquito Mexican Chihuahua then I want to hear from you.

Remember, paws were meant to get muddy!


If you have read the article and have a question, please email


Stephanie (June 06, 2016 01:50:36 PM): This is a great series. I have a lab-mix that loves to swim and I would love some posts about activities in parks that are dog-friendly (especially any "non swimming" areas the pup can jump in the water at!)

Jack (June 25, 2015 07:32:00 PM): Great puppy insight. We know what you mean about pups enjoying the parks. We use great caution to never use the "P" word around our two dogs. We'll have a great time at Staunton in August and First Landing in September!

Junie B (June 25, 2015 11:24:29 AM): Hey Helen,

I hear everything! You are right, they say I was built short-legged to chase mice and Mum won't let me chase the rabbits, but I still try!

I bet your Junie B Cat is one cool cat, please tell her anybody named Junie B is a-ok with me. Does she ever get to go to a Virginia State Park? Some cats do you know, if they are well behaved (which I have no doubt she is) they can stay in the cabins if they pay the nightly pet fee. I would love to see her at a cabin!

I am not sure if I am named after that obnoxious kindergartner, but I could be because I have two big sisters and they named me. My Mum calls me June-bug sometimes, and my Dad calls me Juniper other times, but nobody calls me late for dinner!

Remember, paws were meant to get muddy!

Your friend,
Junie B (the dawg)

Helen (June 25, 2015 09:45:21 AM): I love your ears Junie B. I bet you are the first to hear all manner of sounds on the trails. Are you named after the fictional character, Junie B. Jones? We have a cat named Junie B and that's where her name comes from.
We love Virginia State Parks so much that we have a lifetime pass.
Happy exploring,
Helen & Junie B Cat

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