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Traditions are part of each of our stories and they are meant to be shared with family and friends, so beginning November 15, 2015 the tradition continues with the 20th Annual Festival of Trees at the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park.

When I was a kid, one of the highlights was when my sister and I could talk our parents into taking that ever beloved trip around town to gaze in awe at all the Christmas lights. Tradition is the cornerstone of the holiday season in my mind. 

Over 80 Christmas trees light the way through the Southwest Virginia Museum
Over 80 beautiful trees line the hallway of the Museum

Even banisters are decorated at the Southwest Virginia Museum for the Festival of Trees

Even banisters are decorated for the Festival of Trees

Part of the excitement for me when I was a kid was to see the different decorating styles. Some houses focused on the variety of colors in the lights, some houses focused on Santa sitting on the roof, and some focused on their faith. In recent years, fewer and fewer people are decorating their homes in such a way. The decorations revealed a part of story of that house. Each story is different but all are told through decorations.

Following in those traditions there are over 80 Christmas trees, mantels, and doorways are decked out with twinkling lights and ornaments in Big Stone Gap Virginia at the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park. Each year in mid-November volunteers come to the Museum and bring the Christmas season to life through a story.

Sneak preview of the 2015 Festival of Trees at the Southwest Virginia Museum
A sneak preview 2015 Pepsi Tree

The Museum is open regular hours (closed on Mondays) and even offers night lightings to better enjoy the twinkle of the lights. You can see these trees beginning November 15, 2015 all the way until December 31, 2015. Call (276) 523-1322 if you have any questions or need more information, or you can reach the museum by email here.

The Festival of Trees makes for a perfect family outing; you never know it may just become your family’s own tradition. Click here for directions to the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park.


If you have read the article and have a question, please email


Virginia State Parks (November 28, 2015 11:19:08 AM): The standard museum fees apply that I have linked to in my other response below.

teresa (November 28, 2015 09:45:44 AM): are they any fee for looking at all these treesi cant find any where I am a family of just 3 please email let me no

Virginia State Parks (November 18, 2015 11:29:16 PM): I apologize for not listing the fees but there are multiple options based on the size of your group. On the page here: the Southwest Virginia a Museum fees are in the bottom section.

Vicky Hoang (November 18, 2015 10:24:58 PM): Is it free admission ?

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