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Shared by Allison Wellborn, Office of Community Engagement and Volunteerism, as Guest Blogger.

It is time once again to apply to be a Virginia State Park Youth Conservation Corps Crewmember!
Every summer over 150 young men and women come to live and work in our parks for our three-week Youth Conservation Corps program. The work day can be hot and grueling while crews install benches on trails, build campground pads, or paddle down the river cleaning up litter. 
The Hungry Mother State Park girls stop for a quick picture after building a parking area fence
The Hungry Mother State Park girls stop for a quick picture after building a parking area fence
Once they’re finished with the work day they’ll participate in different interpretive events in our parks. One crew may go spelunking in one of Virginia’s many caves while another crew may learn bouldering skills with Bouldering 101 at Grayson Highlands. If the interpretive events aren’t enough fun, the crews then spend their weekends Adventure Training which may include horseback riding at New River Trail State Park or zip-lining at Shenandoah River State Park.
The Natural Tunnel boys under the surface in one of Virginia's caves
The Natural Tunnel boys under the surface in one of Virginia’s caves
Led by three college-aged or older supervisors, ten same-sex crewmembers will join together to form a hardworking crew while gaining invaluable experiences enjoying the true beauty of our state parks for three weeks. Throughout the duration of the program, crewmembers will be completely unplugged from technology (no cell phones allowed) creating lifelong friendships. At the completion of the program, a graduation ceremony is held where each crewmember is individually recognized for their hard work and rewarded with a $500 stipend.
The New River Trail crew poses with many park staff in their group picture
The New River Trail crew poses with many park staff in their group picture
We are now accepting crewmember applications for the 2015 YCC program online only. Crewmembers must be ages 14-17 and must not have already graduated high school by the start of the program. Applicants are required to submit two references (names and emails) with their applications.
We have two sessions this summer, each lasting three weeks: 
The first session is 21 June 2015 through 11 July 2015. The second session is 19 July 2015 through 8 August 2015. All meals and lodging are provided during the program. Upon acceptance into the program, crewmembers will be assigned to their specific park.
The application deadline is April 15, 2015. 
Whatever your idea of fun is, we are sure you will experience it and more if you join the Youth Conservation Corps this summer and serve in Virginia’s State Parks.

If you have read the article and have a question, please email

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