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More Trees Please

By Shellie AnnePosted July 21, 2015


I saw an article recently titled "Seeing Trees Can Make You Feel Healthier" but before I even read the rest of it I was shaking my head in agreement, thinking, yes you can feel healthier seeing trees, no doubt about it.

The article boldly stated "In fact, being around more trees can make you feel as healthy as someone seven years younger, according to a new study in the Nature journal Scientific Reports." 

This is good news considering we have a few, you know, trees...

Holliday Lake State Park trail along the lakeshore provides a scenic great walk

A healthy lifestyle

There are many variables that I believe can attribute to living longer and healthier, one theory I have is that perhaps it is not just the presence of trees where you live (the whole removing pollutants from the atmosphere is a good thing) but perhaps those who live longer are those who go outside and play. They are not just "seeing trees" but out amongst them.

I notice a trend in these photos I gathered from Virginia State Parks, do you see something here that may work in conjunction with my argument below?

In each photo at a beautiful Virginia State Park the visitors are doing something. Even sitting outside on a bench or under a tree reading a book is still doing something, you had to get to that tree to read that book. 

O the green things growing, the green things growing,
The faint sweet smell of the green things growing!  

-Dinah Maria Craik

Go outside and play at High Bridge Trail State Park, Virginia

Firts Day hikers at Caledon State Park made sure to get outside and put their best foot forward the very first day of the year

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks 

 -John Muir

There are treasures to be found in the trees, Virginia State Parks

Fall fun among the trees near the cabins at Staunton River State Park, Virginia

When I am among the trees,
especially the willows and the honey locust, 
equally the beech, the oaks, and the pines,
they give off such hints of gladness.
I would almost say that they save me, and daily.
- Mary Oliver

A walk in the woods at Powhatan State Park, Virginia

Riding bikes in the summertime at Hungry Mother State Park, Virginia

Backpacking and hiking at Grayson Highlands State Park, Virginia

Spending time together as we age under the trees, and leave the fishing to the other guy at New River Trail State Park, Virginia

Virginia State Parks are your parks and my parks 

Whether we live in the City of Richmond or the Blue Ridge Foothills, the state parks are here for us to enjoy and to become part of our healthy lifestyle. We can make all sorts of excuses why we do not go outside, but did you know that many of the Virginia State Parks have accessible trails? As part of their commitment to make Virginia State Parks available and accessible for all Virginians they have cabins, trails and more for those with mobility issues, click here to learn more.

So what do you say

Is it time to go out amongst the trees?



If you have read the article and have a question, please email

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