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Scientific research shows that spending time outside in a natural setting can help us live healthier, happier and smarter lives.

Virginia State Parks has long been banging the drum for the benefits of outdoor activities. We have always said we are a tonic for the body, body and spirit. Now let's see what some others have to say.

Spending time outdoors is undeniably good for you, and it can also make you smarter (like these three ladies at Sky Meadows State Park, Va)

Spending time outdoors is undeniably good for you, and it can also make you smarter

Let's explore a few of the great reasons to go outside and play at your favorite Virginia State Park. The articles share the same sentiment that spending too much time inside can be detrimental, and yet just outside you will find nature's tonic. 

That nature breaks can actually make you smarter, and that just looking at nature can help your brain work better.



Surround yourself in nature - fly fishing at New River Trail State Park in Virginia

Surround yourself in nature at a Virginia State Park

In this recent article they spoke on the scientific reasons you should spend more time outdoors:

  1. Improved short-term memory
  2. Restored mental energy
  3. Stress relief
  4. educed inflammation
  5. Better vision
  6. Improved concentration
  7. Sharper thinking and creativity
  8. Possible anti-cancer effects
  9. Immune system boost
  10. Improved mental health
  11. Reduced risk of early death



Hiking down a soft pine needle laden path through a maritime forest at False Cape State Park, Va

Use all your senses when you hike on a soft pine needle-laden path in a maritime forest

Stress busting through smell, as this article shared:

"One reason Mother Nature may work as such a great stress-buster is through scent. The smell of many flowers, including jasmine, lilacs and roses, have been proven to decrease stress and increase relaxation. The scent of fresh pine has even been shown to lower depression and anxiety."


"The future will belong to the nature-smart—those individuals, families, businesses, and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.” —Richard Louv


JR Rangers at Grayson Highlands State Park.  Our Interpretive staff works hard to make educational programs as fun and informative as possible.

Jr Rangers at Grayson Highlands State Park our educational programs can be fun and informative

This research article here says:

"Adults and children are spending more time interacting with media and technology and less time participating in activities in nature. This life-style change clearly has ramifications for our physical well-being, but what impact does this change have on cognition?" 

Learn more about Vitamin N, as Richard Louv calls it here.



If we rush around or have our faces pinned to a cell phone we will miss the beauty of what is right in front of us - this is from Bear Creek Lake State Park, Va

If we rush around or have our faces pinned to a cell phone we will miss the beauty around us

Learn here how we are missing what is right around us in this article:

"The clash between these two worlds was recently exemplified in a photograph widely circulated online. In it, a man is so engrossed with his phone that he’s oblivious to a whale breached just a couple of feet away from him." Click here to see this image. 



Spending time together not only creates lasting memories but helps us bond (Staunton River State Park cabin loop)

Spending time together not only creates lasting memories, but helps us bond

Spending time together outdoors without all the distractions can help us bond, and strengthen our relationships with one another. In this author's opinion, there is nothing better to open up the lines of communication than a walk in the woods, or sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows or hotdogs.



Wondering what there is to do at a Virginia State Park? Go to our website to find the answers

Wondering what there is to do at a Virginia State Park? Go to our website to find the answers. Just a few examples:

  • You can search for programs and events here.
  • Learn more about fishing at our parks here.
  • Explore our trails here.
  • Boating will get you out on the water here.
  • Swimming gets you in the water here.
  • See the park as a volunteer here.

For more events and activities outside at a Virginia State Park, we recommend you subscribe to our eNews and follow us on Facebook here

We even have an app for that, download the Ranger App here to use on the trails when you visit your favorite Virginia State Park.



Douthat State Park offers many of those outdoor activities we crave,like swimming, paddling, hiking and mountain biking

Douthat State Park offers many of those outdoor activities we crave

Like swimming, paddling, hiking and mountain biking

There are more than 3 dozen Virginia State Parks across the commonwealth, most open year-round.

You can always explore a nearby state park that is closer to home, or branch out and drive a few hours to a state park. Spend a few nights in a cabin, family or group lodgecampground or yurt. Click here to see a map of all parks. Call 800-933-PARK to inquire or book your getaway.





Editor's note: Regarding the image of the guy texting while a whale breaches nearby, one theory may be that the whale had been playing around the sail boat for a while and the guy is sharing a photo or video of it with his friends. 

It is a good visual example of what we used to call "missing the boat" when we spend too much time in a digital or virtual world. In this instance, it was a case of "missing the whale."


If you have read the article and have a question, please email

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