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State parks are big places that offer many amenities and recreational opportunities. It takes a lot of work to keep those offerings available so, many parks rely on friends groups to help. Friend groups, also known as Citizens Support Groups, build and maintain trails, manage beautification projects, help staff visitor centers, work on educational outreach programs, and raise funds for park projects and facilities. You may see them help at festivals, workshops and other park events.

Workers planting trees
Friends of Hungry Mother work alongside park staff to plant trees in the park.

When asked why it is important to give valuable time back to the park, Jacky Fannon, longtime Friends member and volunteer at the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park said, "I volunteer at the museum as a way to help out the park and give back to my community. I also enjoy working with the park staff and meeting the public - I'm a people-person and parks are a marvelous place to be around people!"

What makes a “friend group” a friend of the park?

Usually, these groups are a more formal group that agrees to align its purpose in support of the park. All Virginia State Parks Citizens Support Organizations or “Friends of” groups do not look the same. But all groups work with the park in support of its mission. Many of the most successful groups have a few things in common; they have regular open communication with park staff, work together to create an understanding of the park’s needs, mission, and restraints, and represent a way to meet those needs and mission.

Friends of Sky Meadows raising money with a fruit stand
Friends members from Sky Meadows State Park raise funds to help with projects within the park.

Each park’s “Friends of” group has a close relationship with the leadership of the state park they represent. Being a member of your park’s Friend group isn’t only about volunteering time and labor but also about advocacy and support for that park. Often time Friends members will be a voice in the local community for the park’s interests. They're usually made up of local park supporters who see the value of the park in the community.

Occoneechee State Park Manager Chris Doss says, "The Friends of Occoneechee have provided numerous benefits to the park including but not limited to providing new ideas, community outreach, support for park operations, grant writing, and assistance with natural resource management activities. They have provided countless volunteer hours to the park, accomplishing tasks that would have never come to fruition."

Friends of Seven Bends members presenting a check to the park

Creators of The Adventures of Sadie & Kiko at Seven Bends State Park children's book series - Lisa Currie, Susie Wilburn, and Fabiana French - presented the Friends of Seven Bends State Park with a $1,000 check from the sales of their book series. The funds raised by the Friends groups go to help support activities and projects within the park.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Friends group at your local park, click here.


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