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Exercise and the Outdoors

By John GreshamPosted January 04, 2019


The New Year is here and many people have resolved to embrace physical and mental health. 

Fitness centers, gyms, and even platies and yoga studios are giving discounts to new members as an incentive to make good on those promises made as 2018 came to an end. 

Finding a good indoor facility for exercise is important during these winter months of unpredictable weather. But I would dare make the case that we shouldn’t abandon the many opportunities on the Virginia State Park trails that can enhance our resolutions for good health.

Exercise outside of the gym at York River State Park

Exercise outside of the gym

There is no substitute for fresh air and sunshine no matter what the temperature may be. Hikers in the mountains can inhale the scents of various pines and hardwoods. Salt air enhances the experience for runners along the bay and ocean. With planning and proper clothing, even a cold day is a good day for outdoor exercise. An added benefit of being outside this time of year is that there are fewer bugs to contend with.

Proper clothing makes for a great day at York River State Park

Dress for the weather and activity

Despite the technology that goes into making indoor exercise equipment, trails offer a sense of wonder that man cannot match. This is especially true when one explores a new pathway for the first time. You never know what different sight and sound you may hear on a familiar stomping ground. Mixing up activities from biking to hiking is a great way to enjoy the fullness of a multi-purpose trail. 

A break time view at York River State Park

Great break time views

Many things are being said about the benefits of mindfulness hiking and outdoor therapy as a means of stress reduction. Even if one doesn’t follow Eastern religious thought, people of all faiths have examples of holy men and women who gained insight outside of four walls. I like to begin my work day with a walk and prayer circling Woodstock Pond along the York River. Researchers at Stanford University have noticed the benefits of walking in nature without any references to any particular belief system.    

Spend 2019 with this guy at York River State Park

Let this bird help you with your goals

I wish you all the best in 2019 as you strive for mental and spiritual health and invite you to make your local Virginia State Park a part of your resolution plan. Many of you made the trails of a Virginia State Park a part of your New Year's resolution, let's keep that momentum going.

Directions to York River State Park:  From I-64, take the Croaker Exit 231B. Go north on Route 607 (Croaker Rd.) for one mile, then right on Route 606 (Riverview Rd.) about one and a half miles to the park entrance. Take a left turn into the park.

Biking  |  Explore  |  Get Outside  |  Hiking

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