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Virginia State Parks grew from the original six parks that opened on the same day 80 years ago with 19,000 acres to 36 parks with 71,510 acres open to enjoy across the state.

Many times I think about going to a state park for the day and talk myself out of it, especially in the warmer months when I consider bringing water bottles, sunscreen, insect repellent, food, and chairs etc. I then worry about tick checking the dog and myself after a hike, and oh yeah I will be upset if I forget my camera, and on and on I go until I put it off for another day. How silly I can be, when I have two great Virginia State Parks under an hour drive from my house.

Just grab your gear and get in the car and go!

One of the best things about visiting a Virginia State Park is not about me, not about the kids, not about the activities and the stuff I bring, it is about what I will experience at the park, the nature. As the saying goes, there is nothing better than getting back to nature.


Spend some time watching a dragonfly like this one on a twig at Westmoreland State Park in VirginiaSpend some time watching a dragonfly like this one at Westmoreland State Park

Get back to nature at a creek near you - this is Wilson Creek at Grayson Highlands State Park in VirginiaExplore a creek near you like Wilson Creek at Grayson Highlands State Park

A doe and her fawn feeding near the cabins at Fairy Stone State Park in VirginiaWhitetail doe and her fawn feed near the cabins at Fairy Stone State Park

What lives in the creek? The Critter Crawl is a program at Hungry Mother State Park in VirginiaCritter Crawl is a popular program at Hungry Mother State Park

Dutchman's Breeches appear to be hanging on the line to dry at New River Trail State Park in VirginiaDutchman's breeches appear to be hanging on the line at New River Trail State Park

Osprey nest on the James River at Chippokes State Park in VirginiaOsprey nest on the James River at Chippokes State Park

The wildflowers compel you to follow this trail at Grayson Highlands State Park in VirginiaWildflowers compel you to follow this trail at Grayson Highlands State Park

Paddleboats and kayaks bring you close to nature at Pocahontas State Park in VirginiaPaddleboats and kayaks bring you close to nature at Pocahontas State Park

The master of disguise - a Hummingbird Moth at James River State Park in VirginiaThe master of disguise - a Hummingbird moth at James River State Park

Investigating the Virginia Bluebells at Shenandoah River State Park in VirginiaInvestigating the Virginia Bluebells at Shenandoah River State Park

Fowler's Toad on the Bayview Trail at Mason Neck State Park in VirginiaFowler's Toad on the Bayview Trail at Mason Neck State Park

Some nature you may hear before you see it like the Fowler's Toad, click here to listen to the call of this amphibian.

It's in our nature


Getting back to nature, well let me put it this way "Getting out of Dodge" actually soothes my soul, it is like a thirste man taking a refreshing drink of iced cold water, it is that good. Why do I allow the busy cares of my day to distract me from what is really important? It is nature's tonic that I thirst for, and Virginia State Parks can satisfy that thirst right in my own backyard.

2016 is a great year to get back to nature at Virginia State Parks


The best way to get outside in nature is to hit a trail or two. Every park has trails, they will offer you trails for all sorts of fitness levels and capabilities from level trails that meander along the water's edge to steep rocky altitude changing trails that award you with a scenic look-out or vista.

If you need assistance choosing the right trail for you, just ask at the park office or visitors center. 

Learn more about the trails at Virginia State Parks online here. I also recommend the Virginia State Parks Pocket Ranger app – detailed trail maps that may be cached before your trip and used even when there's no cell service.

If you want to "Explore Virginia State Parks One Step at a Time" then I recommend joining Trail Quest where you can be rewarded for the trails and the parks you visit. Learn more about Trail Quest here.


There are fun and educational nature programs for every age group at every Virginia State Park. You can find out what is happening at your favorite Virginia State Park here, when you search our events database. Programs like winter survival, birding, wonders of nature, all about owls, amazing eagles, furs n skulls, what's in the net, fossil hunting and more.


You can check out a park pack to help you explore the park for the day absolutely free. Every park pack is different and may include things like binoculars, guide books, butterfly nets, and more. They will be themed like "Birding, History, Wetlands, and Wildlife." Some parks allow them to be checked out for more than 1 day at a time if you are staying overnight in the campground or cabins, just ask.

Previous articles in this series showcasing 10 reasons to fall in love with Virginia State Parks can be found below:

  • "Part 1: The People" can be found here.
  • "Part 2: The Accommodations" can be found here.
  • "Part 3: The Water" can be found here.
  • "Part 4: The Food" can be found here.
  • "Part 5: The Space" can be found here.
  • "Part 6: The Wildlife" can be found here.
  • “Part 7: The Lifestyle” can be found here.



If you have read the article and have a question, please email

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