Tree Scavenger Hunt

Location of Hungry Mother State Park in Virginia


Hungry Mother State Park, 2854 Park Blvd., Marion, VA 24354.
Clyburn Ridge Trailhead


Jan. 1, 2023 12:00 a.m. - Dec. 31, 2025 11:59 p.m.

If you're interested in learning about trees while you hike, this self-guided program is for you. On your way to hike at Clyburn Ridge, stop by the kiosk and grab a scavenger hunt brochure on your way. Take it along with you as you go and see what you can learn about identifying some of the various trees that make the park their home.

photo of trail through the forest

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 276-781-7400
Email Address:

Event types

Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History | Self-Guided Programs

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