Who Gives A Hoot?

Location of Staunton River State Park in Virginia


Staunton River State Park, 1170 Staunton Trail, Scottsburg, VA 24589.
Visitor Center


Sept. 4, 2022. 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Are owl pellets poop? Learn the answer to this question and many more related to this mysterious nocturnal bird of prey during this fun ranger-led program. Guests will get to dissect their own owl pellets and discover the digestive system of the owl.

Great Horned Owl

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 434-572-4623
Email Address: StauntonRiver@dcr.virginia.gov

Event types

Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History

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