Memorial Day Weekend - Bug Out!

Location of Hungry Mother State Park in Virginia


Hungry Mother State Park, 2854 Park Blvd., Marion, VA 24354.
Boat Ramp off of Mitchell Valley Road


May 27, 2024. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

What some people call creepy crawlies are actually some of the most interesting and beneficial animals in our area. Join us as we move about and try to catch a few as we take a short hike to look at some of these fascinating critters. This program is conducted in accordance with Virginia Law; park staff possess the proper permits and training to briefly handle wildlife.

photo of dragonfly on a branch


Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 276-781-7400
Email Address:

Event types

Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History

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