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Shared by Renesha Chiles, Youth Corps Program Manager, as Guest Blogger.

Each summer, YCC engages over 200 youth in state parks throughout Virginia, accomplishing astounding projects, trail maintenance, basic construction, and restoring park structures.

Virginia State Parks are currently recruiting outgoing, adventure-seeking, hard-working individuals to serve as crew leaders in the 2019 Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) program.

Each summer, YCC engages over 200 youth in state parks throughout Virginia, accomplishing astounding projects, trail maintenance, basic construction, and restoring park structures.

As December quickly approaches, you may be considering how you would like to spend your summer or an internship you want to secure. Two people worked together to dig up each post. Youth Conservation Corps Crew Leader: More than an Internship

But instead of an internship, consider taking on a different kind of summer opportunity-one with Virginia State Parks Youth Conservation Corps.

If you are unsure whether that is the right choice for you, here are three reasons you should take a summer position with the Youth Conservation Corps.

1. | A position with the Youth Conservation Corps means you are responsible for more than just yourself

As an YCC Crew Leader, you get to work as a mentor, role model and influencer on your crew of ten youth 14-17. Crew leaders are responsible for all aspects of the crewmembers day to day activities; including scheduling, meal planning, chore assignments, and general wellbeing.

Leaders will engage these youth in work projects during the weekdays, schedule environmental education programs for weeknights, and plan adventure outings on weekends!  Your crew member’s guardians will not be present, so you must act in a parent-like role for your crew of ten who will rely on you for almost everything during the time they are there.

You are there to ensure that members are happy, have their individual needs met and have the time of their lives while learning the importance of teamwork and a hard day’s work. You will be encouraged to give more than you believed possible, and the more you invest in everything you do, the more you will get out of the experience.

 A position with the Youth Conservation Corps means you are responsible for more than just yourself.

 2. | Crew leaders have daily inspiration

At an internship, you may spend more time in front of a copier or coffee machine than developing valuable skills that will truly prepare you for the workplace. That will not happen if you work as a crew leader this summer. Instead, you will hone your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills, all in a beautiVirginia State Park.Crewleaders enjoying the mud. Youth Conservation Corps Crew Leader: More than an Internship

You will manage yourself and the youth under your care. You will get to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Crew leader Jessica explains it best,

        “My experience as an YCC crew leader was truly unforgettable. This program requires a great deal of hard work, determination and dedication to your crew members and the park you're serving. I believe YCC has helped me become great leader and role model. You'll learn to appreciate the beauty of Virginia in a whole new way, because you are a contributor! Your guidance as an YCC crew leader can truly make a difference for yourself, the youth and Virginia State Parks!” 

3. | Crew leaders develop professional skills to take throughout their career

As an YCC Crew leader you will learn the following essential life and career skills: flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self-direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility– and so many more. You will learn flexibility and adaptability, as you work with a variety of people ranging from your crew to park staff and understand what it means to build a caring, supportive community. You will show initiative and problem-solving when any unexpected circumstances arise. You will demonstrate accountability as you work to keep your crew safe, productive, and having fun. But more than all of this, you will gain a sense of self-fulfillment as you see your crew try new activities, reach their goals, and grow in confidence.

Leader Qualifications

Leaders must be entering their junior year of college or equivalent post-secondary education/experience in fall 2019. Leaders must have a valid driver’s license and be willing to drive a 15-passenger van. A full list of job duties and qualifications can be found online.

All crew leaders are required to attend the mandatory crew leader training at Westmoreland State Park from Monday, 17 June 2019 through Thursday, 20 June 2019. Applications for the 2019 YCC program are available now and are accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Applicants can request which session(s) they would like to serve on their application but may not make specific park requests. Crew Leaders must arrive at their park the Thursday prior to the crewmember arrival date. Lodging, meals, and transportation are provided upon arrival at the park. Applicants must be entering their Junior (third) year of college as of fall 2019.

Session One: Thursday, 21 June 2019 through Saturday, 13 July 2019
Session Two: Thursday, 18 July 2019 through Saturday, 10 August 2019

Upon successful completion of the three-week program, crew leaders are awarded an $1800 stipend and a $350 travel stipend. Crew leaders working both sessions will receive the stipend at the end of each session.

Learn more here


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