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Why are frogs so happy?

By Shellie AnnePosted April 30, 2011


Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

Have you ever been on a hike at a Virginia State Park and wanted to learn more about what you saw along the trail or up in a tree? Do you know much about our Virginia Amphibians and Reptiles? What about Trees, Fungi, Plants, Rivers, Streams, and Insects?  You see these creatures but cannot decipher what they are and why they are there!

Visit your Virginia State Park - Get Outside!

Virginia State Parks are teeming with wildlife!

See animals, reptiles, trees, insects at Virginia State Parks

Reptiles have scales, Amphibians don't

Using seine nets to capture animals that reveal the health of the waterway - Virginia State Parks

"Collect Bugs" to determine the health of a waterway

Virginia Master Naturalist Central Piedmont Chapter Offers Training Starting May 11, 2011. This is your chance to get some intense training from the best! You will be sharing your fount of knowledge with your family and friends in no time!

Beginning in May, residents of the heart of Virginia will have an opportunity to share their love of nature with others. The Virginia Master Naturalist Program is a grass-roots effort to train a cadre of volunteers who will work in their local community to improve the environment. The program is based on a model that is proving highly successful in other states and that is similar to the Master Gardener Program. The 2011 training classes will begin May 11, 2011 and run until July 27, 2011.

Most of the classes will be held at the Prince Edward County Extension Office in Farmville on Wednesday evenings. Some classes and field trips will be held at Bear Creek Lake State Park in Cumberland County. Most field trips will be held on Saturdays. Cost of the forty hour course is $100. The Virginia Master Naturalist program is supported by Virginia Cooperative Extension/VA Tech, the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation, The VA Department of Forestry, the VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the VA Museum of Natural History.

For information on the training course and on the Central Piedmont chapter visit the, or contact Tom Kneipp at, Catherine Fleischman at (804) 375-3121 or at, or Laura Moss at

Plan your next visit to your favorite Virginia State Park - click here for a list of parks near you!

Virginia State Parks Celebrate 75 Years of Family, Friends and Fun for Everyone!


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