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Shared by Jessica Gorman, AmeriCorps Volunteer, as Guest Blogger.

I came from a landlocked city in the middle of New York; I was living in my own little bubble. That all changed when I came to the Northern Neck of Virginia, an area with a rich history and a great diversity of wildlife. It couldn't be more different than the place I call home. My summer residence, Belle Isle State Park, is nestled on the coast of the Rappahannock.

Early morning sun rise over Belle Isle State Park

Early morning sunrise over Belle Isle State Park

I decided I would finally make a change to leave my bubble with all my creature comforts. I applied to the AmeriCorps Virginia State Parks Trail/Interpretive program, and accepted the offer to serve. I was excited and nervous to uproot my life and immerse myself in a totally new locale.

Jessica busy at work at Belle Isle State Park in Virginia

AmeriCorps volunteer Jessica Gorman enjoying a favorite past time in the Northern Neck, crabbing

To prepare myself I looked up Belle Isle State Park and the surrounding area on a map. I quickly realized I had agreed to go to a place that I considered to be fairly remote compared to my home in NY. I started wondering what I got myself into. I kept an open mind about the move. Even though I was nervous, I really was looking forward to all the new experiences I would have.

On my first day exploring the park I was able to see eagles, osprey, great blue herons, and more.  Animals I had seen previously in NY but not on a daily basis! I knew many of the birds in NY migrate to the Chesapeake Bay. Previously, I thought of the Bay as some abstract place. I never thought I would end up here.

Oysters caught in the Northern Neck at At Belle Isle State Park in Virginia

Learn about the natural history and significance of the oyster at park

Before Belle Isle State Park, oysters were just a food that I was never interested in eating. Now I have learned more about their natural history and significance in the Chesapeake Bay. I might even try one!

The pot of gold must be found at Belle Isle State Park in Virginia

The pot of gold must be found at Belle Isle State Park

Sunset over Northern Neck at At Belle Isle State Park in Virginia

Sunsets are gorgeous on the Northern Neck of Virginia

I am so glad I decided to come here. At Belle Isle State Park I see plenty of wildlife every day and some gorgeous views off the trails. I am looking forward to canoe programs. Belle Isle also offers boating, kayaking, and camping here as well. Each day is a new adventure, and I learn more about the Northern Neck and why Virginia State Parks were voted America's Best!


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