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For all of those who have birthdays, anniversaries and special gift giving occasions coming up...consider this when you contemplate buying something that has immediate gratification but wears off pretty quick, breaks, or loses its sparkle:

Memories are what last

Family time equals memories that last at Virginia State Parks

Let's make it meaningful

Everything in our lives has meaning, but to make something "meaning-full" it takes a little bit more on our part, I would like to think it takes intention. Sure an off the cuff lunch here or there is nice, don't get me wrong, but to know that someone was thinking about you in advance and actually planned something makes it more meaningful in my book.

For those who plan events, meals, even a picnic in a Virginia State Park my hat is off to you, it is more difficult than to just give someone something. I know many of you are disagreeing with me right now, you put time and thought into gift giving, I understand that as well, but a wrapped gift is less personal than an experience that the receiver can take with them wherever they go, they don't have to pay excess luggage fees, and they don't have to buy a bigger bag to cart it around.

Let's make some memories

Looking back on my own family, my immediate family now that my daughters are 18 and 21 I wonder where the dolls, cd's, new clothes etc are that seemed important and nice at the time? Do they still cherish those "things"?  Maybe one does, one doesn't, or maybe some things are held onto over others.

But in the grand scheme of things we can still smile and laugh at the time we jumped off the dock at the lake or were startled by the big bear at the dumpsters when getting rid of our trash. We can laugh and cherish the memories of the crow stealing our brand new unopened bag of tortilla chips right off our picnic table in our campsite or the time they tried coffee for the first time sitting around a campfire one brisk fall morning.

Let's make some Kodak Moments

Have you ever thought about what is photo worthy in our lives? I was looking for a quirky title for this blog article and Googled "Scrapbook titles" as they are always short and clever, but this time I noticed something else...the scrapbook page titles are actually kind of sorted by the Kodak Moments of our lives.

Here are a few that I saw that made sense to me and really brought home the whole idea that experiences are more important than things:

Adventure: a day in the park, a need for speed, going to happen, double trouble, discover, fishing tales, high anxiety, leaping lizards, million dollar moments, oh the places you will go, never a dull moment, up to no good, welcome to the journey...

Picnic: fresh air and family, just a closer walk with thee, life's a picnic, a tisket a tasket lunch in a basket...

Hiking: a hiking we will go, explore your world, hitting the trail, hikers haven, I love to go wandering, take a hike, survival of the fittest, 

Vacations: a room with a view, fairy enchanting times, American idle, big belly flop, better than the rest, discover, by the sea, easy living, enchanted journey, eat drink and be merry, escape, fun in the sun...

Rain: puddle jumping, raindrops keep falling on my head, singing in the rain, just add water...

Camping: happy campers, on the road again, life is a journey, call of the wild, eating out, cozy campfire, camping capers, fire up the grill, getting back to nature, happy trails to you, lazy days, pitching a good time, roughing it, RV there yet, sleeping under the stars...

Fall: hay fever, bushels of fun, fall delight, falling...for you, golden days, harvest delight, Indian summer, jump into fall, leaf it to me, 

Family: a family affair, a mother's love, boys to men, dudes in denim, family ties, goofy girls, glimpses of life, growing up friends, happiness is homemade, here is where our story begins, monkey in the middle, oodles of fun, sisters aunts nieces cousins, so happy together...

Nature: a little dirt never hurt, against the wind, beauty, changing colors, clover by the dozen, dandelions in spring, explore, go green, life's a beach, nature calls, off the beaten path, water water everywhere...

Morning: early bird, a little ray of sunshine, the adventure continues, good morning sunshine...

Memories: a child's love, a walk down memory lane, a moment captured, cherished family times, beach memories, magical memories, moments in time, precious memories, penny for your thoughts, seems like yesterday, tranquil moments, remember when...

Family friends and fun making lasting memories at Virginia State Parks

Exchange students enjoying marshmallows over a campfire at Bear Creek Lake State Park, Virginia

Let's change history

Have you ever thought about the fact that you are changing history by the experiences you have? What happens to you impacts the way you think and act and therefore effects those around you. Perhaps this is the reason we read so many studies about how important it is to get outside? To leave the distractions of home and work, to spend some time imbibing nature's tonic of fresh air, quiet and exercise. 

Experiences make meaningful memories, and Virginia State Parks offers the perfect trifecta of family, friends and fun. I hope you can head outside soon and get a heaping helping of nature's tonic.

Click here to learn more about Virginia State Parks cabins, campgrounds and events, or click here to see a map of all 36 Virginia State Parks.


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