Something Fun About the Sun- Solar Eclipse Event

Location of Natural Tunnel State Park in Virginia


Natural Tunnel State Park, 1420 Natural Tunnel Pkwy., Duffield, VA 24244.
Cove Ridge Center


April 8, 2024. 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Where did the Sun go? On Monday, April 8th, the continental U.S. will experience a solar eclipse- where the moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the view of the Sun from Earth. For us here in VA, it will be a partial eclipse with between 78%- 89% of the Sun obscured. Join us at the Cove Ridge Center to enjoy the afternoon and watch a live stream of the eclipse from NASA. We will also have a telescope set up with a solar filter for guests to take a safe look at our solar system's only star. Our astronomy volunteers will be on hand to help answer questions about the Sun as well as the other stellar bodies in our sky. We will have activities and crafts for all ages. Another eclipse won't be visible in the lower 48 until Aug. 2044, so be sure not to miss out on this opportunity to discover something fun about the Sun! The park will have a limited supply of solar eclipse viewing glasses available for purchase.

The moon eclipsing the Sun.

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: No.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 276-940-2674
Email Address:

Event types

Astronomy/Stargazing | Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History | Special Event

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