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If you ask ten different people to list their life's stresses, you'd get an idea why our natural world, one that Virginia excels at conserving, is important to have available for those times you just need to get away from it all.

Jobs, family issues, finances, all can nibble away at our sense of well-being till our brains scream, "Enough!"

This is just a portion of the nature therapy found at Virginia State Parks. Virginia has 544 miles of Appalachian Trail, more miles than any other state and the most scenic section is found at Grayson Highlands State Park, Va

This is just a portion of the nature therapy found at Virginia State Parks

For me, it’s been 2 years of radical change, and I have to seriously thank the Virginia State Parks system for much needed nature therapy.

I left a job of 20 years, with no idea what I'd do next. The year and a half that followed was an adventure I'd not trade for the world. And yes, while I blew through some savings, we didn't starve or end up homeless. I even became a seasonal park ranger at York River State Park and got to hang out with the boaters and fishing pier enthusiasts; my little contact station all cozy and nestled between a wide crabpot-lined river and a marsh that always serenaded me with frogs.

But, the very best times were spent hiking state park trails, getting to know many fine park shorelines, and polishing up my photography skills. 

Recently I completed a little goal of mine, I hiked both of the Appalachian Trail sections that run through Virginia State Parks. I may never be able to do the entire section that runs through Virginia, but from my experiences, I am certain I'll do more when time permits. 

There are only two Appalachian Trail hiking opportunities in Virginia State Parks, if you were wondering. They are 300 miles apart, and run through corners of Grayson Highlands State Park and Sky Meadows State Park, and they are as different from each other as night and day. 


Many agree that the most scenic section of the A.T. is found at Grayson Highlands State Park, Virginia

Many agree that the most scenic section of the A.T. is found at Grayson Highlands State Park

My Grayson Highlands hike was a study in the beauty of a rugged landscape, transformed for a few days into a chilly temperate cloud forest.  

It was September and I actually took a class in star photography the day before leaving. I had the romantic notion of returning home with some photos of amazing landscape vistas of the park topped with a blanket of countless stars. Maybe if luck and skill intersected, I could capture the Milky Way Galaxy over the park before it left our Northern Hemispheric view till next year.

Well, that little fantasy didn't pan out.

What did await me, was Grayson Highlands State Park enveloped in a system of clouds passing over that had me shivering (it was just 54 degrees), with my hiking boots making annoying squishy sounds after a few hours. I had to wipe both my cell phone camera lens before each shot, as well as the lens on my rarely used Sony 35mm.

Virginia has 544 miles of Appalachian Trail

More miles than any other state!

Through it all, I came away having recorded a landscape that seemed out of a dream: 50 yards of visibility punctuated by wild ponies gorging on goldenrod, trees emerging from the mist as I hiked, and the Appalachian Trail glistening with a slippery wetness that had me wary of each footstep's placement. 

The trail in this park is the only place on the entire length of the A.T. that hikers get to encounter wild equines.

Wild ponies are one of the highlights of the Appalachian Trail as seen from Grayson Highlands State Park, in Virginia

Wild ponies are one of the highlights of the Appalachian Trail in this part of Virginia

Many miles of the trail may be a blur in memory, not knowing exactly where the endless vistas were most spectacular. But it’s very cool to be able to pull out a map after it's all said and done and put your finger right on the spot where wild ponies made the trek suddenly really unique.

The adorable wild ponies of our Blue Ridge Mountains

One singular experience that all A.T. thru-hikers remember


You can hike 2.43 miles of the Appalachian Trail at Sky Meadows State Park in Virginia - perfect for a day hike

You can hike 2.43 miles of the Appalachian Trail at Sky Meadows State Park

My day at Sky Meadows State Park was completely different, being sunny, mild, and full of fall color potential. Our newly adopted hound dog from the SPCA, Myrtle, has gotten used to getting excited for a day of fun when she sees the backpack come out, and hiking supplies gathered into a pile.

Myrtle loves her adventures, and it was nice to know we were finally going to check out a trail new to both of us. Although the A.T. section running through Sky Meadows is short, it’s still moderately challenging to hike to and from it.

Enjoy this slideshow of photos from my time on the A.T.

I must add, if you use the internet to find out if there is fall color at your destination, it often lies. When possible, call someone and just ask them to look out the darn window. I had high expectations, but alas, the color had not peaked. We had a spectacular day regardless.

Here I am with good dog Myrtle and Ranger Ashley at Sky Meadows State Park, Va on the A.T.

The many things to enjoy while reaching the Appalachian Trail in Sky Meadows State Park include a vast working farm with a long interesting history, stunning mountaintop views, wooded hiking trails up and down steep hillsides, and farm animals. There are even heritage, free range chickens that have so far eluded me, and cows. I'm also happy to have a friend at this park, Ranger Ashley. 

Myrtle will tell you too, your legs will know they got a workout at Sky Meadows. I often have to remember on some stretches of trails with difficult inclines, that many are actual cattle paths, so if they can do it, so can I.

Sharing the experience with my 4-legged best friend was truly the greatest part of the day. I'll happily recommend hound dogs as great hiking buddies. Myrtle is always up for an entire day of it, though she may snore all the way back to Richmond. 

So, if you don't plan on hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, or even the section just spanning Virginia (which is the largest section of the A.T.), but you love your state parks, then make it a goal to add these two fun hikes to your list of must-do nature outings.

Take your family, your dog, your friends, or head out solo to Grayson Highlands or Sky Meadows State Parks. These A.T. hikes are over 300 miles apart, and make a great goal for 2018!

Editor's Note: The Appalachian National Scenic Trail is a 2,190 mile footpath that stretches across 14 states, from Georgia to Maine. Over three million people travel on the A.T. each year, whether on a several month-long “thru-hike” that traverses the entire length of the trail, or just for an afternoon hike at one of our two beautiful Virginia State Parks that features the A.T.

You can learn more about it from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy here, and from the National Park Foundation here.

For information about camping at Sky Meadows State Park, click here, and camping at Grayson Highlands State Park, here.



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