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Last updated on August 03, 2022

Grayson Highlands State Park serves as a corridor to the Appalachian Trail in southwest Virginia. The beauty in the region is unmistakable. For many, hiking sections of the Appalachian Trail is on their bucket list. Because of the popularity of the Massie Gap area at Grayson Highlands for Appalachian Trail access, the park has been experiencing parking capacity issues and impacts on the resource and visitor experience.

Over time, it became evident that steps needed to be taken to improve the overcapacity issue related to overnight backpacking. The park has always provided a designated parking lot for the guests wanting to backpack overnight on the adjacent federal property along the trail. This lot is still available but now on a reservation basis to assure that the sensitive natural beauty is protected.

Grayson Highlands State Park serves as a gateway to the Appalachian Trail.

In summer 2019, the park staff did a public awareness campaign to alert visitors of the upcoming changes, and on Oct. 1, 2019, the park began requiring reservations for the spaces in the backpacking parking lot. This proactive measure will help in multiple ways. First, the lot is designated explicitly for overnight backpackers, and day-use hikers will park in other lots. This will alleviate visitors from parking away from the Massie Gap area and walking along heavily used roads to access the trail. Further, it will help alleviate potentially dangerous and illegal parking along the campground road and other roadways. The reservation requirement will ensure users there is a parking space for them when they get to the park. Finally, it will ensure that only an appropriate number of hikers access the sensitive highlands area.

Backpacking in Grayson Highlands State Park

Reservations are made the same as any Virginia State Park reservation, either online or by calling 1-800-933-7275. The reservation only includes a parking space in the backpackers' parking lot, not a campsite within the park. While primitive camping is allowed in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area in Grayson Highlands, camping is only allowed in the two developed campgrounds. If you are looking for an overnight adventure within the park, there are a variety of campsites, yurts and even a camping lodge available for rent. 

When the backpacking lot is full, alternate parking is available at the VA-600 Elk Garden parking area or the VA-603 Fox Creek parking area. Both areas are within the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. Further, there are private shuttle companies in the area that backpackers can make arrangements with to be dropped off at Massie Gap. The vendors we are aware of are:

Creeper Trail Bike Rental and Shuttle, Whitetop, Va., 276-388-3056
Grayson Highlands General Store and Inn, 276-579-4602
Mount Rogers Outfitters in Damascus, Va., 276-475-5416
Sundog Outfitter, Damascus, Va., 866-515-3441

The park staff is continually working to improve the park experience for all of our guests at this popular park. Thank you for your help protecting the beautiful and unique natural resources of Grayson Highlands State Park and the surrounding high country. For more information, call the park office at 276-579-7092.


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