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Renee Wienecke is offering free painting classes at Hungry Mother State Park this summer, but you can expect something a little special in these classes. In addition to learning about color mixing and brushwork, you will also learn about nature.

Some classes give participants a chance to paint a bird, some allow an opportunity to paint a salamander. But in either case, you’ll be looking at the natural world before you stare at your canvas.

Painters with their salamander creation

I got to attend a bird-painting class, and the subject was a red-bellied woodpecker. Before we ever dipped a brush into that bright red paint, Renee and one of the Hungry Mother State Park rangers handed out binoculars and Peterson’s bird books and led us off into the trees.

Binoculars up!

We listened and stared and hoped for a chance to see the woodpecker we were about to paint. As it often goes with birding, and Rolling Stones songs, we didn’t get what we wanted, but we absolutely got some great moments with wild birds!

We saw a Baltimore oriole shining bright orange high atop a tree. We got to hear the perky trill of a northern parula hiding somewhere in the canopy. And we delighted at watching some bouncy little chipping sparrows that seemed very pleased to have an audience.

We made our way back to the picnic tables and began to paint while enjoying the fresh air of early spring, good conversation – and eventually we heard that chirpy chur of a red-bellied woodpecker.

Let the painting begin!

Renee is a member of the Holston Rivers Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists, an organization that annually requires 40 hours of service to conservation of and education about Virginia’s natural and public spaces. These classes are her summer service project, and one we can all enjoy!

Find her weekly at Hungry Mother State Park – here are the details about the free Art Never Hurt programs with Renee Wienecke: Explore nature through an artistic lens. Each session will involve exploring either birds or salamanders and then creating a painting to take home. Meet at Raider’s Run Trailhead.

Salamander Sessions - 3 p.m. on June 20, July 25, August 29 and September 19 (2023).

Bird Sessions - 2 p.m. on July 9, August 13 and September 3 (2023).

For full event details, click here


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