First Day Hike

Location of Kiptopeke State Park in Virginia


Kiptopeke State Park, 3540 Kiptopeke Dr., Cape Charles, VA 23310.
Picnic Shelter 1


Jan. 1, 2024. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

What better way to kick off the new year than a guided hike observing local wildlife.  Join Friends of Kiptopeke State Park for a guided nature hike. Bring binoculars or your camera, you never know what you may see!

The hike will start at 10:00 am and leave from picnic shelter 1 located in the day use area.  The hike will be accessible to all! It will be 1 mile on flat even ground with an option for participates who want to explore more to hike longer. 

Afterward the hike, stay and enjoy some hot chocolate and learn how you can help the park by joining the Friends of Kiptopeke State Park.

First Day Hike


  1. first-day-hike-kiptopeke-state-park-(4).pdf

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 757-331-2267
Email Address:

Event types

Kids/Family | National Events | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History | Special Event

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