Nature and Our Phones

Location of Clinch River State Park in Virginia


Clinch River State Park, P.O. Box 67, Saint Paul, VA 24283.
Sugar Hill Trail Head


June 9, 2023. 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join a park ranger for this hike to incorporate how you can use your smart phone to learn more about identifying plants and animals. The ranger will talk about free downloadable phone "apps", that cover topics like maps, birds, plants, trails, moon phases, and night sky events. Its recommend that "apps" should be download before the program. Remember to bring your phone and wear weather-appropriate clothing.

Not all have to be downloaded, but here is the few that will be covered on the hike:

"iNaturalist" - User can photograph plants and animals for identification.
"eBird" - Can help with identifying birds by photos or even sounds of their calls.
"Gaia GPS" - User can view Topo maps. The app will show other helpful things such as elevation. 
"AllTrails" - Search by area to find hiking trails. Shows information like distance, elevation, and suggested intensity level.
"LightPollutionMap" - This app will show light pollution, night sky events, and moon phases.

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: No.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 276-762-5076
Email Address:

Event types

Arts/Crafts/Photography Workshops | Astronomy/Stargazing | Geocaching/GPS | Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History

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