Clean the Bay Day + National Trails Day

Location of Westmoreland State Park in Virginia


Westmoreland State Park, 145 Cliff Road, Montross, VA 22520.


June 4, 2022. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

There are two events combined into one starting at 9AM. Clean the Bay Day is the star, during which you can choose to do trash pickup on Fossil Beach (a 2/3-mile hike from the Visitor Center parking lot) or the Day-Use Beach at the end of the road down the big hill.

The same day also happens to be National Trails Day, so another option for folks is Trail Corps (trail maintenance) on Red Fox Trail. This will also start at 9 and we will meet at the fountain which is on the right side of the road on the way into the park.

Whichever adventure you choose, please everyone check in for the day at the Visitor Center. There will be staff with a sign-in sheet giving directions. For any of these activities, definitely use sunscreen and bring gloves for working, plenty of water for drinking, and possibly food for eating. All other tools and materials will be provided.

Everything starts at 9, with Clean the Bay Day activities wrapping up at noon and Trail Corps continuing as long as you would like to stay.

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: No.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 804-493-8821
Email Address:

Event types

National Events | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History | Volunteer Events

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