Early Birding

Location of Bear Creek Lake State Park in Virginia


Bear Creek Lake State Park, 22 Bear Creek Lake Rd., Cumberland, VA 23040.
Cumberland Multi-Use Trail Parking Area


March 24, 2022. 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Grab your binoculars and join us bright and early for a relaxed guided hike on easy to moderate trails through the park’s various habitats — forests, wetlands, and fields. In the morning hours, when our feathered friends are their most busy and talkative, we may catch sight of woodpeckers, thrushes, aquatic birds, or birds of prey. Along the way, you’ll learn and practice techniques for identifying these fascinating creatures via sight, sound, and environmental clues. The more you watch and listen, the more you’ll get to know the personalities of the charming winged characters around you, the types of habitats they prefer, and why. The park has a limited number of binoculars to lend to those who don’t have their own. Beginners welcome! Advance registration is not required. For more information contact: bcguide@dcr.virginia.gov

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: No.
Phone: 804-492-4410
Email Address: BearCreek@dcr.virginia.gov

Event types

Outdoor/Nature/Natural History

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