First Day Hike

Location of Wilderness Road State Park in Virginia


Wilderness Road State Park, 8051 Wilderness Rd., Ewing, VA 24248.
Visitor Center


Jan. 1, 2022. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Enjoy a special winter-themed self-guided hike along the Wilderness Trail and to Martin's Station (about 1.5 miles). Depart from a modern setting and venture into a glimpse of Virginia's 18th century frontier. Hikers will visit six stops on the easy rated trail with information about the bison that grazed in the area, the river cane Daniel Boone called the Bear grass, Joseph Martin's first cabin, the blacksmith shop, Martin's Station fort, and the Robinson cabin; an authentic 18th century structure relocated to the park. A brochure will provide details for the self-guided hike, including what Mother Nature had in store for those settlers who navigated the Wilderness Road during winter's harshest times. Find hike brochures at the park visitor center Kiosk.

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: No.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 276-445-3065
Email Address:

Event types

History/Culture | Kids/Family | National Events | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History | Self-Guided Programs

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