Jobs at Douthat State Park

14239 Douthat State Park Rd.
Millboro, VA 24460
Phone: 540-862-8100

Current job openings

Seasonal and part-time positions

Our seasonal jobs are a great place to start if you're interested in a career in the parks. Maintenance jobs, customer service positions, and lifeguard positions are just a few examples of these jobs. In each case, you will get a taste of what a state park is like to work in.

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About Douthat State Park

A traditional family park since 1936, Douthat is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for the role its design played in the development of parks nationwide. Amid some of Virginia's most breathtaking mountain scenery, visitors enjoy interpretive programs, four miles of stream fishing, a 50-acre lake stocked with trout, a sandy swimming beach with a snack bar, boat rentals, a gift shop and camp store, cabins, and more than 43 miles of hiking, mountain biking and bridle trails. Plus, there are playgrounds, an amphitheater, picnic areas, tent and trailer camping. The park also has 32 cabins and three lodges that accommodate 15, 16 and 18 guests each.

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