Kitchen Garden

park locationWhere

Sky Meadows State Park, 11012 Edmonds Ln., Delaplane, VA 20144. Kitchen Garden in Historic Area.


April 6, 2019. 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Have a gardening question, or just curious to see what's ripe for the pickin'? Stop by the Kitchen Garden and visit with our volunteer gardeners as they tend the garden beds. Sky Meadows' produce is authentically grown in this heirloom vegetable garden, utilized in hearth cooking demonstrations, and available during harvest season in the Visitor Center by donation to the Friends of Sky Meadows (FOSK), or at the FOSK Farmer's Market. Also, be sure to stop by the Settle's Kettle program at the Log Cabin to see how residents of Mount Bleak may have prepared these fresh foods.

Other details

Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 540-592-3556
Email Address:

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