Let's Go Camping!

Location of Sky Meadows State Park in Virginia


Sky Meadows State Park, 11012 Edmonds Ln., Delaplane, VA 20144.
Historic Area


June 22, 2024. 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Have you ever wanted to try camping, but didn't because it all seems so confusing and expensive? The Let's Go Adventures staff will guide you through the basics of camping in a Virginia State Park. Get answers to questions like; How do I select and set up a tent? What do I need to make my campsite comfortable? What and how do I cook in camp? What are the rules and etiquette for safe camping? How do I make a reservation to camp? Bring your questions and take the first steps into a lifetime of adventures. 


Let's Go Adventures logo

Other details

Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes.
Extra fee: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 540-592-3556
Email Address: SkyMeadows@dcr.virginia.gov

Event types

Kids/Family | Outdoor/Nature/Natural History

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