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February Month of Love Contest

We all know that Virginia is for Lovers, that well known Virginia slogan even made it to the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame. During the time I have worked for Virginia State Parks I have heard a fair amount of stories that lead me to believe that Virginia State Parks are for Lovers.

In December 2010 as we prepared for the 75th Anniversary of our Virginia State Parks, I learned that 2011 would also mark the 25th wedding anniversary of a couple from Florida who were married at Douthat State Park. You might enjoy reading that article written by the bride about their simple but memorable wedding. 

An Image
One of the pictures shared for her article "Our Virginia Wedding"

Don Byrne who edits our weekly eNewsletter is shown here walking his daughter toward the Gazebo at Claytor Lake State Park and her intended.

Howe House to Claytor Lake Gazebo, Father of the Bride

I have heard from people who were married in our parks and honeymooned in our parks (cabin 2 at Hungry Mother is a particular favorite). I have also heard about marriage proposals like the one we wrote about here at High Bridge Trail State Park. Reading the cabin journals in our parks I have learned of rekindled romances and last ditch efforts to save a relationship that the peace and quiet of nature and time away from everyday life played a part in. I am sure that many couples have fallen in love at one of our parks. 

There are so many types of love beyond romantic love - love for children, the love between good friends. I know that our parks play a role there as well.

Virginia and her husband from our TV commercial
Virginia and her husband from our TV commercial

So in honor of Valentine's Day and February, the Month of Love, we are offering a contest. Email me your story about how one or more of our Virginia State Parks played a part in your love story - falling in love, engagement, wedding, honeymoon, rekindled romances, saved marriages, bonding with children, friendships -- you get the drift. If you have pictures, share those as well (please send as separate files as opposed to inserting them in a text document).

Keep in mind that I will want to share the winning entry so let's remember that we are a family venue. Just saying. I have heard that cleaning staff have to occasionally remove pages from the cabin journals when couples get carried away by their descriptions. 

Entries must be emailed to this special email account no later than 11:59 p.m. EST, on February 28, 2014. There is no required length but the best story will win. What's the prize? A two night cabin stay in one of our parks. You know me, I always reserve the right to come up with extra prizes if the entries warrant it! The winner will be announced by March 10. 

Love chairs at Kiptopeke State Park
Love chairs at Kiptopeke State Park


If you have read the article and have a question, please email

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