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Central Appalachian Shale Barren (Shale Ridge Bald / Prairie Type) – CEGL008530
The Shale Ridge Bald/Prairie Type of Central Appalachian shale barren occurs on stabilized slopes and crests, and features relatively dense, prairie-like grassland vegetation. This stand contains a mixture of little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium), poverty oat grass (Danthonia spicata), and eastern needlegrass (Piptochaetium avenaceum), along with the shale barren wild buckwheat (Eriogonum allenii, with yellow flowers).  Ridge above Big Lick Hollow, Wilson Creek drainage, northern Alleghany County.  James River District, George Washington & Jefferson National Forests.

 © DCR-DNH, Gary P. Fleming
Central Appalachian Shale Barren (Shale Ridge Bald / Prairie Type) – CEGL008530