Jobs at Smith Mountain Lake State Park

1235 State Park Rd.
Huddleston, VA 24104
Phone: 540-297-6066

Current job openings

Seasonal and part-time positions

Our seasonal jobs are a great place to start if you're interested in a career in the parks. Maintenance jobs, customer service positions, and lifeguard positions are just a few examples of these jobs. In each case, you will get a taste of what a state park is like to work in.

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About Smith Mountain Lake State Park

On the second largest freshwater lake in the state, this picturesque park is the water enthusiast's paradise. There are numerous water activities, including swimming, boat rentals, a boat ramp and a universally accessible fishing pier. Families can also enjoy picnicking, a visitor center, an amphitheater, special programs, camping, miles of trails and cabins with boat docks.

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